Laurent FINTONI est sur Copains d'avant. Pour le contacter, connectez-vous ou inscrivez-vous gratuitement.


Parcours scolaire

A propos


  • Prénom Nom :

    Laurent FINTONI
  • Vit à :

    LONDRES, Royaume-Uni

  • Né en :

    1979 (45 ans)

Ma vie aujourd'hui

  • Description

    I was bored and went looking for people from school and found this.
    Im not married, but i live with someone in London, been here for 8 years. Graduated from university in 02, i work as content manager on a website during the day, run another 2 sites in my spare time, present a radio show, dj on another one, play out, started a press agency recently... trying to stop smoking, and planning on getting out of london at some point in the near future - this place is too friggin expensive.

  • Profession :

    Too many

  • Situation familiale :

    en union libre

  • Mes goûts et passions

    Instruments de musique

    • Autres

    Goûts musicaux

    • Autres


    • Autres



    • Je n'ai pas de voiture
